Monday, December 28, 2009

Post America

What exactly does it mean to be "Post American"?

The Post American view is that the traditional idealized America that many hold onto, such as the prospects of living the "American Dream" and living in a state of constant prosperity no longer exists. America is quickly losing it's stand as being the most dominant, and economically stable country in the world. To be a Post American is realize that we, as a nation are standing on the precipice of a new era, one of which this nation, nor the world has ever seen before. To be Post American means that we, as a people need to be able to anticipate what our military and government have been anticipating for several decades now. Americans need to be thinking proactively instead of retroactively. Our society has been put on a short leash by those who no longer are looking out for our best interests (if anyone ever was to begin with that is), and we have to recognize that we are being lead in the direction that will do us a lot of harm. Essentially, the America of the 1950's no longer exists, all those ideals are part of the past and can never be restored.

This view is not something new, it is a view that is often expressed while referring to the current state of our nation, as this Project Syndicate article states:

We are entering a post-American world – the world beyond America’s brief moment
of global domination. Obama’s administration understands this, and has responded
with what it calls a “multi-partner strategy.” Whether it is the Chinese for the
global economy, or Russia for nuclear disarmament, the United States will now
work with whomever can help it get the results it wants – thus ensuring that it
remains the “indispensable nation.”

This country will not remain the 'indispensable nation' for long, and many people are watching it's decline either from the sidelines or victims of the decline itself. Citizens need to be able to look out and see what is happening before they are caught in the decline as well, unable to do anything about it. When this country begins to topple over, there will be nothing to break its fall. Our city on a hill is falling into the sea, it's time to make sure that a life raft is available. This new understanding of the country we inhabit is Post American Objectivism.

Post American Objectivism is looking at where we, as a civilization, are going and be able to recognize that many countries have been on this same exact course in the past. Everything about America that once made it so great is now turning in on itself and destroying it. Everything from capatilism to militarism is rearing its ugly head and draining the lifeblood right out of this late-great USA.

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