Monday, December 28, 2009

A Thought on Propaganda

Propaganda no longer allows for a free and open society, since ultimately it is a form of censorship in the sense that it directs a society in how to think. In short, propaganda is a diversion, and what it is designed to hide is ultimately the biggest challenge to liberty. How can 'the people' make honest decisions when the "facts" they are given have been carefully selected and molded in order so society forms the desired opinions that those in power have carefully prefabricated in order to move forward with their own agendas?

The moment our nation began allowing Propaganda (aka "Public Relations") to dominate it's public discourse, which was roughly the 1920's with Edward Bernays, is the same moment 'the powers that be' began developing higher, more powerful ambitions for this country. They must have realized that in order for them to do what they pleased, they had to be able to direct the public discourse of the people. They had to make the people prioritize their desires over their needs.

When the government found an effective way to direct public discourse, they then were able to march towards their new desire: global dominance. They only needed the right excuse to take their desire for power to the next level, and that excuse was happening right across the "pond".

As Amaury de Riencourt argues in his book "The American Empire", our US empire rose up during World War 2 (he believes it started with the attacks of Pearl Harbor, I personally hold to the erection of the Pentagon - either way, it's roughly the same time period.) Now we are coming to an end to our imperical reighn.

As our empire rose, our liberties were curtailed, and we were given distractions to keep us happy and docile - ultimately. Our discussions were shaped by propaganda, our habits were altered by capitalism, and our beliefs were forced to submit to our desires. All this was done so the power hungry could get what they wanted, and use us as stepping stones, as pawns, as batteries to make their empire move and grow.

I believe our country had been duped, and some of us are just waking up to it, in kind of a drunken stupor.

This is kind of related:

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